Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Onward and Upward

Yesterday I added my sidebar link from this blog to another site. I'm part of a new community called Wedfog where wedding photographers and hopefully soon brides will come together to have questions answered and connect with one another. Below is one of my favorite shots in my gallery profile, though I titled it something else today it feels like "Onward and upward" which was my personal motto throughout much of college, always trying to reach more heights of success.

The shot is one of my favorites from recent weddings and I also had it printed on metallic paper as a portfolio image to show clients.

The name wedfog is a take off of Wed(for wedding) FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), which is what the letters kind of look like. Though I've been in the business so long that I first read it as Wed FOG where FOG is father of the groom. So many acronyms.

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