Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Silver Man at Fisherman's Wharf

Since I often don't have a schedule completly set in stone at the paper, I often get to spend time talking with interesting people. Here is someone I find fascinating because of his approach and dedication to his job.

Meet The Silver Man who works at differen piers at Fisherman's Wharf. When not in costume (non-toxic paint that takes about a quarter of an hour to apply and take off), he's known as Evan.

He acts as a human robot and takes pride in his work. At his feet is a tip jar, and when given a tip, will let passersby take photos of him (often with their kids), he also gives the kids candy.

His job is unpredictable, the weather especially determines if he has a good day or a bad.

He's been doing this since 1984 when a cousin suggested the idea. He proudly states that he's one of the original and most consistent human robot performers.

When asked what he'd like to be doing in a few years, his answer surprised me. He said he is going to school part-time and would like to be a chef. I told him about the chef profiles I am doing for my paper, and told him when he accomplishes his dream we would definitely be interested in doing a piece on him.

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