Saturday, February 17, 2007

Kip Fulbeck Portrait of a Portrait Maker

As a photographer, I usually don't get to photograph other professional photographers, but I had my chance when an assignment had me photographing artist, writer and photographer Kip Fulbeck.

Here he is reading from his semi-autobiographical book, Paper Bullets.

He really got into the passage he was reading (as is evident from my portrait of him) a scene in which his main character is just trying to get romantic with his girlfriend who wants to hear romantic words in what she thinks is his native tongue, when he speaks only English. A hilarious scene.

In his most recent book, Half Asian, 100% Hapa, he photographed people (without glasses, jewelry, or other adornments, and had them write a half page answer to the question of "who am I?" Many of which were quite funny and profound all at once.

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