Monday, February 05, 2007

Life story reaches out to community member

Meet Lillie Marcheski (formerly Anderson):

She's 90 years old, and this year she began writing her memoir, based on her experiences as a nurse in WWII. Here she is from a painting commissioned of her in her war uniform, age approximately 25.

Today a gentleman came into the office at the paper and wanted a word with the lady who wrote that story (me). He told me that he was 91, and had also served in the war. He shared with me a book he had written and we talked for a bit of his experiences.

My story in the life section really meant a lot to him, as did, I hope, the chance to talk to me about his experiences in the war.

A friend recently told me how lucky I was to have my job, that as a photojournalist I'd have experiences most people would not. As a photojournalist and writer, I'm also able to bring my experiences to others, and also share more of their world in return.

Lillie's twin sister, Lilla, who served with her in the war:
Lillie's nursing school photo as well:

and finally some service ribbons Lillie earned serving as a nurse in a hospital in New Guinea that was literally built just after her crew arrived:

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