Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Mother Daughter Dance

On one of the wedding photographer boards to which I subscribe, a fellow photographer had asked what new wedding traditions people had observed at weddings they had photographed. My first answer was the ringbearer girl, who carried the rings in a nest, that I had blogged about in part yesterday.

I remembered today another tradition that I have seen last year that I thought was particularly beautiful, the mother daughter dance, from Vanessa and Paul's wedding. Here Vanessa (who proudly stitched on the coat of arms of her new family name, Grazzini, onto her wedding dress herself, dances with her mom (as do many other women).

Out of this, spontaneously, the women started forming little circles in which familial lines blurred and the bride and her mom danced with Vanessa's younger sister who is in a wheelchair, some of the bridesmaids, and an aunt. I love how this tradition got so many people out of their seats and onto the floor and let all the women who wanted to participate regardless of traditional dancing ability.

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