Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A time to celebrate

I was listening to the radio today on my way to the newspaper, when one of the hosts made a comment about there being no major holidays for a while. It made me stop and think, Valentine's Day is coming up, with Easter after, but it does seem like they are very far away.

During the busy December multi-holiday season, I went to R. O. Hardin Elementary school where students were watching a program on how different cultures celebrate that season's holiday.

They learned about Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukah and the Chinese New Year. I learned a lot about Kwanzaa, which celebrates among other things determination.

I really liked how the showed the history of the holidays, complete with crowning one of the teachers as Alexander the Great.

The performers really got the students involved and the Chinese dragon at the end was a big hit:

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